2023 – Year of 30-Day Challenges

2023 - Year of 30-Day Challenges


No resolutions for me this year. Instead, I’ve decided to embark on a year of 30-day challenges.

I haven’t selected all of the challenges that I will undertake yet but I have a good list of ideas…

  • walk
  • plank
  • squats
  • cook
  • bake
  • organize
  • knit
  • calligraphy
  • general craft
  • meditate
  • journal
  • read or write a poem
  • read or write a short story
  • read or write an essay
  • vegan eating
  • drink more water

To ease into the 30-day challenges, I decided to focus on drinking water for January.

My goal is 100 oz of water/day. That’s 12.5 cups. I have a 32 oz. water bottle so three full water bottles plus a little more, and I’ll be good to go.

I think I’ve recruited my husband to do the January challenge with me.

Will you?